Distribution Network
We have almost all publications around the world!

We work with over 900 newspapers and magazines around the world, including Forbes, Elle, Wall Street Journal, GQ, Entrepreneur, Esquire, L'Officiel, Hollywood Reporter, E! Online, Men's Health, Rolling Stone, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, Harper Bazaar, Vogue, OK! magazine, Maxim, ABC, CBS and many many more.

Our services and prices are very competitive! To get a custom PR package that includes interviews, articles, TV appearance, and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us today.

Distribution in 350+ magazines in US and internationally in top publications such as Forbes, Elle, GQ, Entrepreneur, OK!, and many more.

Distribution in 350+ magazines in US and internationally in top publications such as Forbes, Elle, GQ, Entrepreneur, OK!, and many more.

Distribution in 450+ newspapers in the US and internationally such as USA Today, The Sun, NY Post, Independent, and many more.

Distribution in 450+ newspapers in the US and internationally such as USA Today, The Sun, NY Post, Independent, and many more.

Appearances on FOX, NBC, CBS, UNIVISION, ABC, CW, and UK stations.

Appearances on FOX, NBC, CBS, UNIVISION, ABC, CW, and UK stations.

VUGA Network
Distribution in over 100 Newspapers and Magazines of the VUGA Enterprises network (by the same founders) in the US with 15M+ unique visitors/mo

Distribution in over 100 Newspapers and Magazines of the VUGA Enterprise network in the US with 15M+ unique visitors/mo

Partner Television
Gossip Stone TV and 24Fashion TV (by the same founders) on Apple TV broadcasting on iOS, Amazon Fire TV, Roku TV, and iOS

Gossip Stone TV and 24Fashion TV on Apple TV broadcasting on iOS, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku TV

VUGA Publishing
Barnes & Noble, WalMart, Apple Books, Good Reads, and more than 20 other top distributors around the world (by the same founders)

Barnes & Noble, WalMart, Apple Books, Good Reads, and more than 20 other top distributors around the world
VUGA clients

Our clients

VUGA Media Group works with many different clients across multiple industries including federal government agencies, world's famous brands and celebrities.

Our partner companies include VUGA Enterprises, VUGA Publishing, the celebrity reality TV channel Gossip Stone TV, and 24Fashion TV.  All these companies share the same two founders and the mission of helping you in business.